Orwell Astronomical Society (Ipswich)

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Vernon Thomas Marshall Wilkes DFC (1921-2013)

Member of OASI 1972-99, Treasurer 1972, Trustee 1973.

Born, Stafford, 29 January 1921.

RAF P/O 56524, Avro Lancaster aircraft (airframe NG264, callsign IQ-B, nickname We Dood It Too) bomb aimer WWII. 150 Squadron. Flew 36 missions.

We dood it too was a catchphrase of Captain A(lastair) R(oger) P(lantagenet) Reilly Ffoull a character from the Just Jake strip cartoon in the Daily Mirror newspaper.

DFC citation: in numerous operations invariably displayed the utmost fortitude, courage and devotion to duty.

Married, 1953, Joan Sylvia Cooper (1920-2013).

Died, Ipswich, 02 May 2013, age 92.

Wilkes' militaria was auctioned:

Photographs of NG264 and her crew.

Paintings of NG264:

Report of foo fighters in OASI Newsletter 191 (December 1987), p.5.

Bill Barton, FRAS