Orwell Park Mansion and Observatory
Home Events


OASI is a society for people interested in astronomy. We are based at Orwell Park Observatory and Newbourne Village Hall, both situated near Ipswich, Suffolk. Members enjoy a wide range of interests in astronomy and include armchair astronomers, casual observers, and dedicated amateurs with specialist skills in visual and photographic observing, constructing telescopes, public education in astronomy and the history of astronomy.

Email for more information: info@oasi.org.uk



Back editions.


Night Sky Notes

Current edition.

Back editions.

Open Evenings


Our open evenings are Friday-Saturday 25-26 October 2024. Details.


Join OASI or renew membership.


Roy Adams, d. 17 August 2024, long-term trustee of OASI.


Mon 14 Oct 2024, 19:30, Newbourne Village Hall, Newbourne meeting - beginners and new members welcome!

Wed 16 Oct 2024, 20:15, Orwell Park Observatory, General observing for members of OASI.

Thu 17 Oct 2024, 20:00, Zoom, Monthly Zoom meeting.

Wed 23 Oct 2024, 20:15, Orwell Park Observatory, General observing for members of OASI.

Full events list, with contact details for further information.


Recent activities and observations

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[1/12]   A geomagnetic storm triggered a spectacular aurora on 10 October 2024. Images L->R: Andy Gibbs, Bill Barton, FRAS, Paul Whiting, FRAS, Martin Cook. More.
[2/12]   The Sword Handle (or Double Cluster) in Perseus and the Andromeda Galaxy (h and χ Persei and M31). 02 October 2024. Martin Cook. Taken from Whitestone near Banchory. More.
[3/12]   Saturn, with the rings almost edge-on. (Ring plane crossing occurs in March 2025.) 13 September 2024. Andy Gibbs. More.
[4/12]   Spiral galaxy M33 in Triangulum. 12 September 2024. Stephen McElvaney. More.
[5/12]   Members of OASI enjoying a curry to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the commissioning of Orwell Park Observatory. 07 September 2024. Mike Whybray. More.
[6/12]   OASI observers at Stonham Parva Summer Fete waiting for the Sun to appear so that observing can begin. Alas, they were to be disappointed! 31 August 2024. Neil Morley. More.
[7/12]   The Sun's disk imaged during OASI's outreach event at Bawdsey Radar Museum. 25 August 2024. Paul Whiting, FRAS. More.
[8/12]   Disappearance phase of a lunar occultation of Saturn. 21 August 2024. Paul Whiting, FRAS. More.
[9/12]   A Perseid meteor streaks through the Square of Pegasus. 12 August 2024. James Appleton. More.
[10/12]   A galaxy, a star cluster and two nebulae imaged with OASI's Seestar S50 "smart" telescope: L-R, NGC6946 (the Fireworks Galaxy), M15 (the Great Pegasus Cluster), NGC7023 (the Iris Nebula) and NGC7635 (the Bubble Nebula). 09 August 2024. Paul Whiting, FRAS. More galaxies, star clusters and nebulae.
[11/12]   An unusual phenomenon captured by a meteor camera: sprites forming above lightning storms over northern France. 30 July 2024. Nigel Evans. More.
[12/12]   OASI's 2024 picnic was blessed by superb weather, enabling solar observing in the afternoon before the customary astronomy quiz in the evening. 20 July 2024. Martin Cook & Paul Whiting, FRAS. More.